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3D printing is changing product development and manufacturing
Since 3D printing emerged, it has challenged manufacturing as we know it. 3D printing is changing product development and manufacturing and transforming small businesses, individuals, and corporations into makers. 3D printing has actually been around for quite some time but the progression of technology has made it more affordable for consumers. Thanks to the internet, the materials needed for 3D printing are available to almost anyone. A few of the areas that 3D printing has and will have an impact on our healthcare, aerospace and defense, new products, and mass customization.
3D printing has been around in the healthcare field for a while, it has been used for various items such as dentures and dental work, hearing aids, and prosthetics. With advances in technology, professionals in the medical field are making attempts at printing skin and blood vessels.
As far as aerospace and defense, 3D printing has also been benefiting this field for some time, but the changes to 3D printing will potentially help the military by streamlining the supply chain, especially when in need of items on the battlefield.
Companies will have the ability to make a number of items, custom-made for a specific consumer, like shoes, for example, which will be able to be tailor-made for the owner. Bringing new meaning to the saying, ‘it fits like a glove’.
Undoubtedly, 3D Printing is going to change the manufacturing scene as we know it. The possibilities will be virtually endless.